Online Teacher Training


Begins July 21st 2024

Become certified to teach GuanJing Method®, a new and innovative movement method that is at the intersection of Yoga, Qi Gong & Dance.

Over 1000+ students have already enrolled in the movement.

The industry for Yoga has become overly saturated, and the demand for a more fluid style of Qi Gong rising amongst people ranging in ages 20- 60.

GuanJing Method® pioneers a revolutionary movement modality that satisfies not only those who want to become strong, but also those who want to heal their spirits and emotions as well.

Our rapidly growing number of students doesn’t lie- the movements of GuanJing feel incredible in the body and also teach practitioners how to efficiently and unapologetically direct their lives in a soulfully fulfilling way.

This training elegantly weaves the teachings of Ancient Chinese Medicine, Anatomy, and how to successfully run a business.

Whether you plan to become a full time GuanJing teacher, or simply implement some of the teachings in your own modality- this training has you covered on all bases of full potential in body, spirit and entrepreneurial success.

Why become a GuanJing Teacher?

In this training, we teach you how to not only become an incredible leader for others but also for yourself.

You’ll learn how to become a magnetic and engaging teacher- to emit an unwavering steady calmness that brings forth the inner Wisdom from within. This fortitude of calm strength is not only an inner energy but a powerful tool in building strength and stamina in the body.

The name ‘GuanJing’ translates from Mandarin to “the spirit of the Mountain pass”- In GuanJing we learn how to move through life’s challenges with the graciousness of the wind and the water flowing through the most treacherous mountains.

Sharing these techniques that relax the nervous system with your clients, future students, and loved ones will not only bring about profound shifts in yourself- but within your community and humanity.


Master energy and how to direct it with the body. Learn about the ancient science of Chinese medicine and how to utilize it in the modern world.

We immerse ourselves online for 3 months where you will receive a solid education while advancing your personal development and facilitation skills.

Our training program is designed and delivered by Master Teachers to ensure the highest level of education.

Whether your aim is to build a strong foundation in the dance of your body, or you're seeking to become a globally recognized GuanJing instructor, this program will provide you a full spectrum education to build your own business and your own practice.


In our GuanJing Method® teacher training, you’ll dive deep into the foundational philosophies of Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong, & Yoga to gain a clear understanding of these often abstract and mystical concepts.

You’ll learn a unique method of breathing that stimulates the vital energies of the body, providing strength and balance in a way you’ve never before experienced. A detailed study of anatomy, biomechanics and integrated systems of the body helps you achieve a new level of stable and empowering postural alignment.

Learn set sequences that you can teach in full confidence. You will learn how to put your own sequences together that follow the integrity of the energy and body.

GuanJing Method® class sequencing is grounded in the same principles that pervade the natural world — elegance, efficiency, and fluidity. You’ll learn to use the wide variety of energetic tools such as GuanJing Basic Forms, breath work, Qi management, and meditation.

Every class at your teacher training is a meaningful journey that supports the continually changing needs and abilities of body, mind and spirit.

By applying the sciences of Qi Gong ,Yoga, and Free flow dance, you will gain a firm understanding of how to approach your practice and teachings.

Our sequencing is creative, purposeful, effective, and truly transformative.



Go beyond the intellectual ideas and techniques that you have learned in this course, integrating these concepts into meaningful real life practice.

When the body, breath and mind are cohesively aligned, you’ll experience your energy as it was always meant to be- full of vibrant expression, boundless energy and moving through life with relaxed grace.

As your practice of GuanJing and self-discovery evolves, you’ll uncover a deepened connection to your innate Wisdom, leading life less from fear and more from expansive love and trust.

As we integrate the principles of GuanJing into daily life- we learn to live authentically, courageously, and joyfully.


  • GuanJing Method is a innovative and new movement form that is the best of Yoga, Qi Gong, and Dance. The focus of the method is to build strength, increase vital energy, and bring balance to emotions.

    • 5 Set Sequences

    • 25 Basic Form Movements

    • Conditioning & Balancing Exercises

    • Qi cultivation practices

    • Heart Coherence Meditations

    • Spine

    • Joint Rotation

    • Planes of Movement

    • Range of Rotation

    • Pelvic floor

    • Myofascial release

    • The 5 Energy Pathways

    • The Art of Breath

    • Heart /Brain Coherence

    • Types of Qi

    • Healing with Qi

    • The Chakra System

  • You’ll receive expert guidance drawn from our instructors’ decades of successfully operating movement studios and leading classes, workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings. This training offers plenty of practice teaching to strengthen confidence in your voice and your skills as an instructor and mentor. Be inspired and prepared to share your light with your community.

    • Class Sequencing

    • Practice Teaching

    • Hands on Adjustments

    • Real life Business Operation

    • Ethics

Options to Join Us

  • July 21st - Sept 1th 2024 (Online)

    7 weeks of learning 2 GuanJing sequences with personal feedback of your movement for a custom experience.

    We begin the training focusing on first refining and becoming experts in the movement patterns of GuanJing.

    Those who take just this portion will not be given a teacher certification

    We learn:

    • Breath & Body Analysis

    • Sequence Movements

    • Nervous System Rewiring

    • Qi Energy Cultivation

  • July 17th- Nov 17th 2024 (Online)


    Become a confident space holder, learn the fundamentals of how to lead not only a class, but bring out the shining authenticity that you are to anchor in the way you speak.

    Learn how to properly adjust students, the fundamentals of anatomy, the timing of flows, intelligent sequencing and more.

    Improve Teaching Skills with:

    • Sequencing, Rhythm, and Visualization

    • Anatomy & Adjustments

    • Creating your own sequencing

    • Teaching and leading classes


    Learn the skill sets necessary to uphold a thriving business as well as the essentials of what it takes to grow a business online and in person.

    Learn Business operations:

    • Defining your brand, message and target audience

    • Setting up online presence and automations

    • Ethics, Social Media, and Email Funnels

    • Building successful retreats and a scaleable business

  • January 9th- 14th 2025

    Mexico, Riviera Maya

    As the cherry on top of all your hard work, we finish our time together for a nourishing retreat in Mexico.

    Integrate all that we have learned in a rejuvenating retreat experience which reinforces our teachings.

    You will have an oppurtunity to:

    Teach, practice hand on adjustments, diver deeper successful into business tactics, and nourish the soul in beautiful Nature.

There are 3 ways of joining this incredible experience. Whether you want to just learn the movement, participate in only the online teacher training or add on the in person retreat- this training can fit perfectly into your time demands and lifestyle.

Teacher Training Retreat | Riveria Maya | Mexico

January 9th - 14th 2025

This in person retreat isn’t just a lush get away in nature, but an opportunity to truly integrate all that you have learned during the online curriculum in a hands on experience.

Build your confidence as a teacher through practice and group activities.

Here is whats in store for you…


I love to spoil you. When you sign up for the Teacher Training, you will also receive one Chinese face reading to align your dharma and receive an assessment of health & emotional imbalances.

More bonus goodies:

  • 15% discount on all future retreats and trainings within 2 years

  • All classes are recorded for later playback if you can't make live session

  • Certification of Completion after graduation & essay submission

  • GuanJing Method Book


When you enroll, you are required to pay a deposit to hold your spot.

Spaces are limited with a 12 person cap on the training.

In order to be qualified for early bird pricing, you must pay in full by May 21st

If the 3 payment plan option does not work for you, please email for alternative options of payment

  • Shared Room Early Bird ends June 8th $8,888

    Regular Shared $9,999

    Single Room Early Bird $9,999

    Regular Single $11,111

  • Early Bird Until June 8th $ 6,666

    Regular Pricing after June 8th $7,777

  • Module I | Master Your Movement

    Early Bird before June 8th $3,000

    After June 8th $3,500

Your Prosperity is Inevitable

Your Prosperity is Inevitable

  • Are you tired of feeling trapped by emotional trauma, disconnected from your body, and stuck in repetitive patterns that hold you back from living your best life?

    The GuanJing Method provides a safe and nurturing space for you to address and heal emotional trauma.

    Through expert guidance and proven techniques, you'll learn how to release negative emotions, rewire limiting beliefs, and cultivate emotional resilience.

    Experience profound healing as you liberate yourself from the shackles of the past.

  • Many individuals who have experienced emotional trauma feel disconnected from their bodies.

    The GuanJing Method integrates mindful movement practices, breathwork, and body awareness exercises to help you rediscover the wisdom and power of your physical vessel.

    By reestablishing this connection, you'll gain a profound sense of self-empowerment and inner alignment.

  • If you find yourself stuck in repetitive patterns that hinder your growth and happiness, the GuanJing Method offers a path to liberation.

    Through a combination of self-reflection, mindfulness, and transformative techniques, you'll gain the tools to identify and release these patterns, allowing you to embrace new possibilities and create a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

  • The GuanJing Method is not just about healing; it's about reclaiming your power and discovering your true essence.

    Our program guides you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you tap into your innate strengths, passions, and purpose.

    Through tailored exercises and insightful teachings, you'll unleash your full potential and embrace a life that reflects your authentic self.

  • We believe that true transformation is a collective journey. As part of the GuanJing Method, you'll join a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and empowerment.

    Benefit from ongoing support, group sessions, and a network of individuals who understand and celebrate your journey.


  • Unlocking Your True Potential Starts within the Master Your Movement Program

    We meet Sundays each morning at 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM

    There is a 15 minute break in the middle.

    Each week you are required to complete the movement homework assignments and have them submitted by the Wednesday of the following week. Feedback and review is then given.

    Be prepared to move forward with the necessary adjustments in mind for the next weeks lesson.

    You are asked to practice for at least 30 minutes per day if not longer to establish a solid routine and master the Basic Forms.

    We begin the training focusing on first refining and becoming experts in the movement patterns of GuanJing. This program can be a separate program in and of it self, however a teaching certificate will not be given to those who only complete this training

    Week 1 & 2

    Breath & Body Analysis

    In the first week, we explore the indispensable role of breath in movement. Breath acts as the connective thread, harmonizing various bodily systems and facilitating efficient movement.

    In our first weeks together we will explore the profound significance of breath in movement and shed light on the numerous ways that conscious breathing techniques can enhance our physical performance and overall well-being.

    By engaging the diaphragm and deep core muscles, breath acts as a natural bracing mechanism, supporting the spine and promoting optimal posture.

    Conscious, deliberate breathing techniques have been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, increase focus and concentration, and improve emotional regulation. This mind-body connection enhances movement by calming the nervous system, promoting a state of flow, and fostering a heightened sense of body awareness.

    Week 3 & 4

    Part #2: Sequence Movements

    Weeks 3 onward we learn a sequence of movements that are spiraling and circular in formation. Just like the mesmerizing patterns found in nature, spirals have a natural flow and rhythm that promote balance and harmony. When we engage in movements that are circular and spiraling, such as in dance, tai chi, we tap into the energy of the spiral.

    This dynamic movement stimulates the flow of chi or life force energy in our bodies, promoting physical well-being and vitality. Additionally, spiraling movements have a calming effect on the mind, helping to reduce anxiety and stress. The circular nature of these movements also represents the cyclical nature of life, reminding us of the constant ebb and flow of energy and the interconnectedness of all things.

    Ultimately, incorporating spiraling circular shapes into our daily lives can lead to a deeper sense of connection, balance, and a renewed zest for life.

    Week 5 & 6

    Part #3: Nervous System Rewiring

    Think of this as the ultimate opportunity to release and let go. Our nervous system is a memory bank of every life experience and trauma we have endured.

    Through these movements, we regulate our nervous system-which acts as the command center, coordinating and controlling all body functions. The movements are essential to maintain healthy nerve function and prevent stagnation.

    Regular practice of GuanJing stimulates the nervous system, enhancing its efficiency and promoting the release of neurotransmitters that positively impact mood and cognition. It also strengthens neural connections, improving coordination and motor skills. Practicing GuanJing movements is crucial for a balanced and thriving mind-body connection.

    Week 7

    Part #4: Qi Energy Cultivation

    Your energy is the most powerful form of currency you have.

    Imagine your life when your body is open and full of energy, your intuition is high, your mind is clear, and your soul feels at peace.

    This is the power within cultivating Qi energy.

    It is the energy that pervades all of life itself. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed- it can only be transformed.

    This is what the techniques in Master Your Movement teach you-how to transform suffering into something that serves.

  • We meet Sundays each morning at 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM

    There is a 15 minute break in the middle.

    Each week you are required to complete the homework assignments and have them submitted by the Wednesday of the following week. Feedback and review is then given.

    Be prepared to move forward with the necessary adjustments in mind for the next weeks lesson.

    You are asked to practice for at least 30 minutes per day if not longer to establish a solid routine and master the Basic Forms as well as practice teaching assigments.

    Become a confident space holder, learn the fundamentals of how to lead not only a class, but bring out the shining authenticity that you are to anchor in the way you speak.

    Learn how to properly adjust students, the fundamentals of anatomy, the timing of flows, intelligent sequencing and more.

    Week 1

    Sequencing, Rhythm, and Visualization

    Week 2

    Anatomy & Adjustments

    Week 3

    Creating your own sequencing

    Week 4

    Teaching and leading classes

  • Learn the skill sets necessary to uphold a thriving business as well as the essentials of what it takes to grow a business online and in person.

    Week 1

    Defining your brand, message and target audience

    Week 2

    Setting up online presence and automations

    Week 3

    Ethics, Social Media, and Email Funnels

    Week 4

    Building successful retreats and a scaleable business

  • Integrate all that we have learned in a rejuvenating retreat experience which reinforces our teachings.

    You will have an oppurtunity to:

    Teach, practice hand on adjustments, diver deeper successful into business tactics, and nourish the soul in beautiful Nature.

    Read more…

The journey might seem profound, but with the right guidance, each step becomes natural, transformative, and above all, liberating.

Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and energetic transformation—together.


"This program with you was such an important catalyst in my growth as a person and as a teacher. I have learned so many valuable movements that brought on great expansion in my life."


"It is so amazing...Because of my work with you, I have been able to manifest a flow of financial abundance in my career- my relationship with my father greatly improved and I feel empowered in my life."


"My confidence greatly improved, I feel and look better in my body- I am in touch again with my femininity. I am so much more aware and connected."


"The work we have been doing has allowed me to release some deeply held grief. It has allowed me to feel without becoming the feeling. It is one of the most valuable tools I have been gifted."


How to Prepare for the Training

  • We highly recommend joining the online membership and taking class at least 3 times a week to get acquainted with the movements.

    No prior experience in teaching or yoga is necessary.

  • Replays are always available for playback for your convenience after the live class.

    It is important to watch the replay within 2 days to be able to submit homework on time.

  • There are 3 books that are needed to be read for this training.

    Once deposit is submitted, you will receive an email notification with onboarding information as well as the books to purchase.

    Book do not need to all be read before the training, but can be read during.

  • During each Module, you are required to participate for the 3 hours during the live lesson plus 1 hour of homework per week plus practicing the online membership classes at least 2 more times per week,

    This totals to 6 hours a week.

  • You will only receive a certificate if you complete all homework assignments and watch all lessons. In addition of writing 3 essays based on the books that you are required to read.

    Further details will be provided upon enrollment.

  • The only requirements are the homework assignments, reading all books, and completion of 3 essays.

  • You can still participate, however, modifications will be give to those injured.

  • Although the in person retreat is not necessary- it is the cherry on top of the training.

    A reward for all the hard work you have done as well as get an opportunity to connect in person with you classmates and deepen your practice with 24 more hours of training.

  • Affiliate programs are an option, More information after onboarding will be provided.


This includes text access to me between calls where you can ask me any question that comes to mind and solve any challenge that you have.

You will have Ting Ting walking alongside you so you never have a chance to get stuck throughout our journey together.


Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals in our private Whatsapp teacher training thread.

Connect, collaborate, and support each other as you navigate the immersive experience. Surround yourself with a positive and empowering network that fuels your growth and success.


This includes a Sequence Manuals with instructions and illustrations. Hold yourself accountable each week via fun and simple homework assignments.

Get to Know Me

My name is Ting Ting and I have been in the movement and wellness industry for over a 2 decades.

My passion is sharing the techniques and knowledge learned through the years to help others move better, breathe better, and feel better. I love to help people rediscover a new respect for their bodies. To gain confidence and empower their spirit.

This passion has me to develop a new movement technique, GuanJing Method. An easy to learn meditative movement practice that cultivates Qi energy using spiraling circular shapes. The movements are designed to transform tension and heavy emotions into renewed vitality leaving the practitioner feeling refreshed and at peace.

My dedication to this practice is globally recognized as a pioneer in the movement industry merging elements of Yoga, Qi Gong, and Dance. My latest book " Meditative Movements to Optimize Health and Vitality" hit the best sellers list on Christmas Eve last year.

Everyday I strive to embody my practice and live in full flow with the current of life. To not take life so seriously and dance with the elements that come my way.

I would be honored to flow with you!