Organic Oolong Gaba Diamond 30 Grams


GABA is a “new” tea, relative to the thousands of years of tea history; fresh tea leaves go through an oxygen-free fermentation that increases the gamma-aminobutyric acid (aka GABA) in the tea leaves. This is cool because GABA is a common neurotransmitter inhibitor in your central nervous system. Translation: GABA blocks stimulation of nerve cells so you can actually relax and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

GABA Oolong has all the floral aroma of an oolong, nutty taste of gentle roast and all the supportive benefits of a GABA tea. The taste is clean, smooth and gentle, just like its effects, which are mind-calming, anxiety and stress reducing, support sleep, and overall you feel into yourself. This tea has CBD-like effects. Perfect to help you get into a restful space before bed. 

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• Calms the mind reducing anxiety, stress and overwhelm

• Reduces blood pressure
• Accelerates the metabolism

• Improves mood


🍃7g 🚰150ml 🌡95°C ⌛8-10 steeps

This tea is best brewed in a preheated glass or porcelain tea ware.

wake up tea
brew 1: 10-20s
brew 2: 20s
brew 3: 30s
brew 4: 30-40s
brew 5: 50s
brew 6: 1 minute

Adjust based on personal preference